The Sting

Freedom Enforcer
4 min readNov 11, 2020


Panic In D.C.

On election night November 3rd, President Trump wasn’t in a convention center, or at Mar-A-Lago, or in the Oval Office. He was in a SCIF

Why was he there? To set up a sting operation for the purpose of trapping democrats in election fraud

Here is an NSA link that refers to this…

The NSA uses a technique of monitoring the voting machines in real time. You can basically see what is on any monitor by observing EM radiation coming off of it. It’s called Van Eck Phreaking.

This worked in at least 2 ways. One of these was for paper ballots. They made sure to watermark ballots using a tracking technology called QFS Blockchain Encryption Code. This allows for location tracking of ballots and also to know when it was voted on, and for which candidates. Here is Steve Pieczenik describing what was done.

I suggest you check out who Steve is and his long past of being a spook, insider, white hat and everything else in between. He is connected. He is a credible witness.

Here is Dr Charlie Ward. He is a currency broker, hotel contractor and long-time associate and friend of Trump, speaking of the sting operation

The other part of the sting was live tracking of the voting machines. Approximately 40% of all voting machines in America are owned by Dominion Voting Systems. They are the ones responsible for the “glitch” that changes Trump votes into Biden votes.

This is being hashtagged as #GlitchGate

Dominion Voting Systems is associated with the dirtiest people in politics… The Clinton Foundation, William Kennard (Executive Director of George Soros’ Carlyle Group), Nadeam Elshami (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff who last year became a lobbyist for Dominion), and Richard Blum (California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who is a significant shareholder in the company).


Since 40% of voting machines isn’t enough to make sure the job gets done, another tactic was employed. This system is known as the #Hammer, and it’s application that can switch votes is called #Scorecard. I suggest searching using both of those hashtags.

The Obama team has been using this since the 2012 election. It was also found to have been used in the KY Governor race between Andy Beshear and Matt Bevin. Matt Bevin is, legally speaking, the Governor of KY.

Here is a video of Russell Ramsland, a partner in Allied Security Operations that says his company’s investigations of our electronic election systems show that votes can be changed on a large scale. Votes can also be changed at the voting location, at the tabulation software level and in the actual database. Someone could even change the voting software itself.

Here is Retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney explaining #Hammer and #Scorecard

It should also be noted that Trump has been playing golf for a significant portion this week. His office is acting as if he won a 2nd term. Nothing but confidence is coming out of the oval office. No matter how much you hate him, you must admit he always ends up being right.

How many times has Trump made the media eat his lunch?
When asked if the Trump administration will begin the transition to Biden, Pompeo said, “there will be a smooth transition to a 2nd Trump administration.”

Adding to all of the previously mentioned things, there are too may reports to count of dead people voting, backdating ballots, ballots found in the trash, refusing to allow election inspectors to do their jobs, and election workers marking piles of blank ballots for Biden.

Here is statistical analysis showing anomalies that need to be investigated

By the time you read this, some of these links may have been zapped by twitter. If you see any dead links, lemme know

